New Year, New You in Q4

As Q4 approaches, not only is the temperature dropping, but potentially, so are old habits. Fitness brands are targeting New Year’s resolutions and healthier intentions. As we head into 2024, these renewed goals are sure to drive consumer purchase decisions. As an advertiser, how can you get ahead and impact consumer behavior before peak season begins?
Not limited to the traditional boundaries of a “New Year, New You” marketing push, many fitness companies advertise throughout the year. As an illustration, championing nutrition and fitness platform Bodi (formerly Beachbody) implemented a strategy focused on prioritizing consumers to achieve profitable growth and support an “always-on” offline presence. We spoke with Adam Birk, VP of Performance Marketing at Bodi, who commented, “At BODi, our long history of success lies in adapting to our customers’ evolving needs. With the guidance of our partner, DirectAvenue, we maintain a data-driven 52-week strategy that keeps us at the forefront of our market.”
Given that maintaining a TV presence during the summer has boosted many advertisers share of voice by up to 36%1, and summer viewing is just 2% below the rest of the year2, it is not surprising that a sustained 52-week a-year marketing effort is crucial in building to the peak season of fitness advertising.
So what is different about January? During this peak January fitness push, brands such as Echelon, Bodi, Tonal, and Total Gym, spend 2-4x in Q1 compared to the remaining three quarters of the year. Arguably they are able to spend more as a result of the market share gained from an evergreen presence and a plethora of media data points to draw upon.
October is the time that advertisers are gearing up for shifts in seasonality. This means assessing consumer priority, evaluating the most accurate channel mix, aligning messaging, and of course, predicting trends and opportunities within the media in preparation for January 2024.
The trend in advertising transcends all types of fitness, from online, hard goods, studios, to gyms. Typically, fitness studios start offering New Year’s specials and promotions in the weeks leading up to the new year to capitalize on the increased interest in health. Therefore, it’s crucial to profitably drive awareness using linear TV and CTV to acquire new cohorts of customers visiting websites and social pages.
There’s no doubt Q4 is the busiest period for retailers, online stores, & marketers across many industries. Whether consumers are “self-gifting” or buying for others, the fitness industry benefits from a continued marketing presence that will allow them to hit the ground running during the January peak.
- Media Post. June, 2023
- EffectTv. June, 2023
Caroline Daly is the Brand Marketing Coordinator at DirectAvenue. New to the world of performance marketing, Caroline is eager to demonstrate a growing understanding of the advertising industry by applying her knowledge of communications, digital marketing, and creative writing. Caroline is committed to attracting prospective clients and developing a strong brand voice for DA.
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